Monday 29 October 2012


happy tuesday everyone....
setelah sebulan buat blog ni baru aku nak menulis ke?hehehe. susah betul nak start berblog ni. best ke? selalu bace org punya blog je. this time aku lak yang nak menulis. 
so for the first post ni...just wanna introduce maself. 

my name is fatahiah. but evelibody call me with the different name haha. i got soo many names . yey! *motip* hehe. 23years old. am B2B. inshaallah.

so thats all i think shud be tell bout maself. bcoz xde sape nak taw bnyk2 pon pasal aku kan.hehe. k c yaaa~ will catcup l8r.. *wink2*